Sunday, October 29, 2006

update oct something

I took a day off from school yesterday, Thursday because we had a test the day before, and we weren’t going to do anything important. This gave me two days off in a row (Thursday and Friday)—it was like a REAL weekend, even though I still have class tomorrow.

I’m becoming Japanese—I bought a clothes line and clothes pins because using the dryer in the laundry room is much too expensive to justify the convenience. But the little poles the give us to use for our clothes lines are too small. So basically I hung as much as I could and I still had 10 t-shirts and 8 pairs of boxers. I think I figured out a clever way to hang a few more boxers up, see picture, but that still leaves me with a ton of wet clothes hanging around my room.

Last weekend I got to play a “Playstation 3” out in Akihabara. They were showing it off on these HUGE, beautiful plasma TVs, with kick-ass sound and such. My friend and I just walked up when they asked for people who wanted to play. In the game we were playing we were a huge warrior and we were killing all these other demon looking people with our samurai swords. The only draw-back was the name was “Genji” which made me thing of “The Tale of Genji” which was an 1100 page book I read freshman year. I don’t think the two are related, but no video game should make me think of homework.

I also “fixed” my backpack by using a towel and some safety pins. It actually worked out exactly like I thought it would—the towel covers all the infected area and the safety pins hold it all in place. I’m really happy, ‘cause now if I put anything fragile in my backpack it kind of has a padded surface to rest on. Everything pretty much worked out.


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