Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Thanksgiving break

Well, I didn’t end up spending my thanksgiving dinner at a KFC. I was lucky enough to be invited to a real thanksgiving dinner. The host was funny, saying that they sell bigger turkeys in Japan, but the ovens here can’t fit them. It was really nice to have that “home” feeling way far away in Japan. The Dad was a big white guy, but he hadn’t lived in America in a really long time, and spoke fluent Japanese. They family had two daughters, around my age, who had never lived in America, yet spoke fluent English like their dad. There was also about 8 Japanese students, from the Dad’s youth group, so we played a bunch of fun games. I ate so much food I passed out on the couch. At the time I didn’t think anything of it, but it must have been pretty weird for the Japanese to see an American come in, eat about three times much as anyone else, then pass out for about half an hour on the couch. The dad laughed about it, so I’m hoping it was okay.

I went to Disney Sea in Tokyo with friends a few days later. It was like a smaller version of Disney Land, but the Indiana Jones ride was the exact same (I remembered the part with the boulder) as the one in America. We went on The Tower of Terror, which had a two hour wait—nothing is worth that, so even though it was okay, we were all pretty disappointed. We rode a carousel like a bunch of stupid loud Gaijin. Pretty fun time overall, and it wasn’t ridiculous—around 50 bucks for tickets. We spend the night at an international hostel that night. It was 6 of us, and it was two triple bunk-beds. That was a fun experience—one of the best cracked and almost came down on the person in the middle. Then they sent up this guy from Australia who smelled like he hadn’t bathed in 8 days.

The week long break wasn’t actually for thanksgiving—it was for our campus festival. I checked it out the following day. The highlight had to be the pro wrestling ring. I guess it’s a club or something at school, and there was a little scrawny Japanese guy with a painted on beard jeering the crowd. He wrestled this huge Japanese guy, and both were pretty skilled. The little guy jumped off the top rope and stuff. There was also a stage with live bands. This one band was trying to be punk rockers, and in like Nirvana before them, they started smashing their guitars and speakers at the end of their song. The drummer was banging away with one drumstick, having already kicked over all his other drums. The best part was the Japanese crowd’s reaction—they were clearly amused, but they didn’t make a sound. So my American friends and I started cheering and yelling, and that got a few of the crowd member to make some noise. I can’t understand how you can watch a band go nuts on stage and just stand their twiddling your thumbs.

Lastly, there was a Ms. Keio University pageant. I didn’t catch it, but apparently Keio University does this every year with very good results—ie, the girls are good looking. Apparently the girls win a modeling contract or a tv contract, I was a little shaking understanding the explanation, but three different people told me that the winner got a brand new BMW. That’s just nuts. Win the school beauty contest, and you get a luxury car. Japan is odd.

Christmas pic

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Disney Sea pic

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Mayo pic

"Would you like some chicken with your mayo, sir?" Posted by Picasa

Monday, November 20, 2006

5 Thoughts and Observations

5) Masks and Eye-patches: Arrrrrg!!!

No, Japanese people aren’t pirates, but I can’t go a day without seeing a handful of people wearing eye-patches—something I almost never see in America. I asked a Japanese friend, and he said that there is some contagious eye disease that everyone gets. People wear the eye-patch to prevent OTHER people from getting it. Interesting system, but at least it’s thoughtful.

The masks are something I only see in the subway. The look like the SARS masks everyone in China wore a few years ago, and when I first saw them I thought that maybe these people were paranoid about germs. This got me worried because after I thought about it, I ride a train completely packed in the morning for the better part of an hour. If anyone was sick, they were probably spreading it around. But then in one of my classes, the teacher explained that the people who wear the masks are actually the ones who are sick, and they are doing me a favor by wearing them. I can’t imagine an American commuter would be even remotely as considerate if they were sick—difference in culture, I guess.

4) Politeness

Finding a seat on a train is like gold to Japanese people. The seats are almost always full because if anyone was to leave a seat, someone standing by them would immediately take it. The only way you can really get a seat is if You are the one standing by the newly vacated seat, or if your at the first stop of the line and no one is on the train yet. I think that because all the Japanese men work like 23 hours a day, they HAVE to sit down or else they’ll die. As soon as they sit down, they fall asleep, and apparently it’s kosher to wakeup a sleeping person once the train has reached the last stop. I saw this old lady hit a sleeping young man on the head as she walked off the train because the guy was still asleep at the last stop. I found that pretty funny.

Well one day, as the people were getting off the train (“off before on”), I noticed an empty seat with no one standing around it, so as soon as I stepped on the train, I made a beeline towards it. I was maybe 2 feet from the seat (having ran towards the seat) when an old man, who started off probably 3 feet from the seat was slowly closing in on the seat. I realized he had been trying to walk to the seat but because I was moving faster I was going to get there first. So I veered off and pretended like I wasn’t even going for the seat, and motioned for him to sit down.

The old guy got a huge kick out of this, and kept saying “Arigatou, Arigato” which I appreciated. So I turned and faced the window for the next few stops, when I felt a tap on my shoulder and it’s the old man motioning for me to sit in the seat next to his (apparently someone left the seat). He was so happy I gave him the original seat that he made the effort to come and get me to tell me that another empty seat opened up. Politeness rules.

3) Kanji

This happened during the first few weeks since I got here but it taught me a good lesson. While at this restaurant that I like near our campus, I was ready to order my food. Instead of just pointing to what I wanted on the menu, and felt it was about time to actually order it in Japanese. But I couldn’t read the Kanji for “Large Size”—I knew the meaning, I just didn’t know how to say it because Japanese Kanji have several different pronunciations for the same Kanji. Anyway I ask (in Japanese) “What is the reading for this kanji?” the waiter goes “Dat mean BIG! Big Size!” to which I replied, (in Japanese) “Yeah, I know it means the reading, how to you say it?” he replied “Oomori.”

The guy comes back about 5 minutes and says (English again) “U ready to order?” and I tell, in Japanese, that I can do it in Japanese, and order it and use my newly learned “Oomori”. When the guy comes bringing the food, I’m not joking, he’s singing “Oomori, Oomori, OOOOOOmori.” As he puts my food down. Here is the lesson. Don’t ask non-teachers any kanji related questions because they will treat you like a kindergartener. Which I guess makes sense since only little kids can’t read kanji.

2) The Japanese Way

The Japanese are very well intentioned and usually they do all the right things but sometimes if they tried just a LITTLE bit harder, everything would be WAY better. For example, our teachers were trying to give us a break before a vacation this week, and made the last few days easy because they said we probably wouldn’t really be able to concentrate. I thought that was really nice, I love it when teachers take it easy on students right before break. Well, they missed to concept of NOT putting the huge chapter test on the DAY WE GET BACK from break. Knowing we have a test the day back from break kills ANY vacation. To top that off, they handed us the schedule for winter break. Technically school starts again on Saturday the 6th of January, but some kids don’t have Saturday class so they of course will start on Monday. I was planning on just skipping that Saturday and essentially giving myself TWO more days of break. Well, they’re giving us a different chapter test on THAT STUPID SATURDAY. I can’t believe it. The only two breaks we have are ruined by impending tests. I’m sure every kid would rather suck it up and tough it through a test before break, than have it loom over his head for the entire vacation. Oh well, I bet the teachers just did it so they wouldn’t have to grade papers over their break. Lame.

The dorm I live in is very reluctant to bring the Japanese students in the dorm together with the International students. We were supposed to have a welcome party the first Monday way back in September, but we didn’t have it until October. While they meant well, who the hell puts a party that starts at 8 on a Sunday night? Even if I wanted to stay out with them, I had my homework to do and school the next day. I couldn’t believe they didn’t make the party on Saturday. Again, they were close, so close to having a great event, but they just managed to mess it up. I’m sure I’ll think of more examples later.

1) Mayonnaise

Japanese people love mayonnaise. They put it on everything. I used to not really have an opinion of mayonnaise—a little was good on sandwiches; I wouldn’t put it on burgers and it didn’t belong in French fries (that’s Canadian). But here they put it on everything. I get a cucumber, ham, and mayonnaise sandwich everyday. They put it on fried chicken. Not fried chicken sandwiches—just fried chicken. They put it with seafood. They use it any chance they get. I’m very surprised by this.

Friday, November 10, 2006

Golden pic

Pretty cool, huh? Posted by Picasa


I can’t sleep at all right now (it’s almost 2:45 in the morning and I have class tomorrow). But I guess I can recount my trip to Kyoto last weekend. I guarantee this will be poorly written. . .

The trip started off with my first experience on the “Bullet Train”. It was really comfortable, lots of leg room. I fell asleep for pretty much the whole time. We ate dinner at this place that had pizza and stuff. The Japanese people we were with each got a little dish, while two of my friends shared two pizzas. I ordered garlic bread, chicken wings, and a pizza for myself. The waiter was taken aback by the way I ordered, I guess you’re not supposed to order as much as you want, or something like that. Maybe it brings dishonor? I still really haven’t figured that one out.

The next day we hung out and walked to a shrine in town. We spent time at Morgan’s host-family’s house. That night we celebrated Morgan’s birthday with a huge feast and two of our other friends from language school came. Lots of fun. Her host-parents kept bring out the beer (high quality stuff I usually don’t order because I can’t justify it) but I guess because we were all Americans they figured beer was like water to us, and kept bring more and more out.

The next day we visited a shrine and a temple. At the shrine I threw my coins into this special place and got to ring the huge bell. That was cool. I have a video of it. I had to bow, clap, clap, bow, ring bell, and finally bow. I think I got the order right. . . I really don’t want to piss off any Japanese gods.

At the Kyomizu Temple there was plenty of “game” to play to please the various gods and bring yourself good luck. The first was crossing this section between two knee-high rocks in order to have a love-related wish granted. The catch is you have to close your eyes and if you open them, nothing good will happen to you for a whole year. You are supposed to have your friends lead you across, but they are not allowed to touch you—just give verbal commands.

I go first, and as I start walking, I’m immediately surprised that the Japanese people there didn’t get out of my way when I’m clearly 1) walking with my eyes closed and 2) trying to have a wish granted IN THE MIDDLE of the wish granting place. People kept bumping into me, and it was really disorienting because having my eyes closed, I had no idea when the next person was coming. I heard all these people laughing and saying stuff like “take a picture of HIM” so I became self-conscience, but I wasn’t about to risk a year of bad luck by opening my eyes. I eventually made it (see pic).

The temple has three waterfalls that will give you LOVE, LONGEVITY, or SUCCESS. You drink out of a cup that is attached to a long pole. Then after you’re done, you put the cup under a UV-lamp to sterilize it—just like the ancient samurai did. Anyway, I thought I’d out smart the gods and I bought a cup for longevity line, but I drank out of the success one. I figured the love was taken care of from the blind-rock touching, so now I had all my bases covered.

That night we had all you can eat Korean BBQ. We got to cook it at the table, but they used gas instead of charcoal. It didn’t really matter though, because it was also unlimited drinks. And because we were in Kyoto, the waiters actually served us well, as opposed to the slow-footed ones back in Tokyo. Afterwards we went to karaoke and sang a bunch of Disney songs.

On Sunday we went to Oosaka. We walked around the mall and had lots of food. That night I met Kelsey’s host family and all the little kids. Home-stays seem like a great setup for the people doing them. I’m still sticking with my decision to only come for half a year, but if I was going to stay a year, I now know that a home-stay would have been a great choice.

On Monday we went to the Golden Temple. I was really surprised that it was actually gold. I guess I should have figured. Anyway, we spent time there and afterwards, we took the Bullet train back home. I got in around 9 and got to do all the homework I had missed. All in all, Kyoto is a pretty cool place, much more relaxed that Tokyo, but I’m glad I’m here because I have relaxed back at Midd. I’m here for crazy.

Wish stone pic

Sweet, my wish is coming true. Posted by Picasa

food pic

Korean BBQ. . . and beer. Posted by Picasa

We're tourists! pic

Morgan and I were at a Temple. I forget the name. Posted by Picasa

Language School Friends pic

We all meet again at the Goldern Temple! Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

link to footage

i found some clips that people took of the train party. These aren't mine, so don't blame me if they suck, are offensive, or get taken down. These quality is better than the stuff I shot because by the time i started filming, people had taken out all the lights.
