Monday, July 09, 2007

Prison Bar

I wish I had a picture. But I don’t, so I’ll describe it as best I can.

I went out with my friend Brian to a prison bar on Friday, and it was nuts. When we got there, it looked like a Disneyland cave, and we “descended” down into the bottom. We were coming around a dark corner when a robotic monster goblin guy, sprang to life in an electric chair (sprang to death?) immediately scaring the crap out of all the Japanese girls we’re with. We turn the corner and a zombie guy popped out of a coffin, prompting Brian to take the lead, if for no other reason, than to quite the shrieking girls. We arrive at a well lit opening about a minute later (the one scaring things was part of the floor went from hard to soft, so you felt like you were walking in a swamp or something—that actually kinda got me).

Once at the reception area, a Japanese waitress dressed in the most ridiculous red leather outfit handcuffed Brian and led our group through the restaurant to our waiting party. The restaurant was a series of prison cells—each was locked with a bar door and we could see all the Japanese people sitting in the cells drinking beer. We get to our party and order the “electric shock” (denki shokku) which smelled like rubbing alcohol and was probably twice as strong. They served it in a huge beaker, then poured it into a smaller, wider beaker. The beaker/cup even had the little measurements on the side of the glass—just like science class back in high school. Anyway, after that (did I mention it tasted awful?) we proceeded with standard beer.

All the male waiters were dressed in striped prison jumpsuits and all the women had on the silly leather outfits (I saw red, blue, and black). After everyone was good and buzzed, suddenly all the lights went out, scary music blasted through the walls, and only a black light (which showed everyone’s socks brightly) lit the room. Then all the waiters came rushing in wearing monster masks (like zombies, werewolf, ect) and it basically scared the crap out of everyone. There was loud music, sirens going off and just a whole bunch of confusion. It lasted for quite awhile, maybe 5 solid minutes, then everything was back to normal.

I met a whole bunch of people that day, including Germans and USC kids. Overall it was a fun time. I even met a guy giving free hugs (like the youtube video). I’ll put a picture of that up. Final verdict, prison bar was fun, a little expensive, but definitely something I’m glad I went to.


Blogger Jenny said...

hey! omg i just got a blogspot yesterday b/c we had to for class, and then kev hella randomly told me your url today. anyways, i hear you'll be back in japan and your story sounds awsome (i had a crazy night as well, but in roppoingi and it wasn't nearly as fun as yours sounds) but so nywyas, you gotta show me and my friends around. let me know your cell when you get here - mine is 080-5466-9208

10:59 PM  

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